Get Your ERTC Refund Estimate

in 15 Minutes or Less!

Vin C.

Business Consultant & ERTC Express Agent

What You’ll Get During This

Free Strategy Call

We'll ask you a few questions about your business and walk you through the application process. It usually takes just 5 - 15 minutes to see if you're eligible and how much you might be entitled to through the Employee Retention Tax Credit program.

What You’ll Do Before the Call

How many full-time W-2 employees did you have in 2020? 2021?

If you don't know exactly how many, it's fine to use an estimate. We can update the number to be fully accurate later.

What Happens During the Call

When we meet, I'll walk you through the ERTC program and how businesses typically qualify.

We'll also start your application, and I can answer questions, if you have them.

What Changes After the Call

If we determine that you're likely to qualify for the credit, we'll ask you to gather some documents and begin uploading them into the system. Once the application is complete, it's reviewed by a team of CPAs before being finalized and sent to the IRS.

About Vin C.

Vin has been working with small and medium sized businesses for almost 20 years in the areas of business & marketing coaching & consulting. Vin is married with 3 children and lives in central New Jersey.

Why We Recommend Having a

Free Consultation Call

Many of our most successful clients have actually become case studies because they didn't think they qualified for the ERTC program. Some even had their CPA tell them they didn't qualify, but when we look a little deeper, we often find that guidance was simply incorrect.

One of our client's CPA filed for the ERTC program and got the business a check for $50,000. Not bad....except when we analyzed how the business was affected by the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, we found that the business was entitled to over $300,000!

What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s Get You Your Check!